
Friday, December 26, 2014

Button Button...

The sweater refashion for my Mom proved to be challenging on a couple of fronts.  If only I hadn't fallen in love with that roll of button fringe at the craft store...

But, I did and here it is:

The sweater was one of my Kohl's bargains, beautiful, soft neutral just waiting to be slit up the front.  Sadly, if I'd anticipated the button trim, I would have used a heavier weight sweater. Once I had the trim around the bottom, I was facing some MAJOR sagging with the front.  I tried finishing the front with a super wide piece of lace folded over, then hand sewed a selection of vintage buttons that my girls' Momo gave me years ago. 

My motto has always been "if some is good, more is better".  In this case, it created a more = heavier effect, and I doubted it would hang on my mother properly. 

So being terrified of adding actual buttonholes to the button sweater, I whined about my lumpy creation to my dear friend Vicki: 

So, Vicki came up with the great idea of using a big, fancy focal hook.  I raided Dear Daughter #2's bathroom and found an elastic loop from her ponytail collection.  Without even leaving her an IOU, I figure-8'd it and sewed a button in the middle.  I had to steal a big focal button from the sweater and replace it with a different one, but since I'd already stolen the hair tie, I was feeling pretty emboldened.  Then I tacked one side down, leaving the other to loop a button.  Button sweater now has functionality...and without buttonholes.  I'm hoping this picture will show the revised clasp:

Merry Christmas, Mom!!!


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